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Open call Artists and Image-Makers: representative visual language for AI

Calling Artists and Image-Makers! 🦩 Let's challenge stock photo clichés and reshape the way we see AI and ML.

The current stock images are outdated and misleading, shaping unrealistic narratives. Search for images of ‘artificial intelligence’ and you'll find photos of shiny humanoid robots, glowing blue brains, or the Terminator. 🤖🧠🦾 These images are used in news stories, blog posts, opinion articles, lectures and press releases – all the place we turn to learn about AI and machine learning.

🖼️ AI4Media teams up with Better Images of AI and AIxDESIGN to commission 3 artists to re-imagine together a better visual language for AI. Our goal is to add new images to the public discourse so we can begin to use a more representative visual language for AI. At project end, we will publish free-to-use stock images in the Better Images of AI library that avoid perpetuating unhelpful myths about AI.

Wanna be a part of change? This is your chance to make a lasting mark on the tech narrative. Plus, you'll receive a €1500 stipend for your contributions. Apply by Sept 25th! 💡 Check the #linkinbio for complete opencall

🇪🇺 Artists based in the European Union and associated countries are eligible to be funded under this open call.

23 September

Data Centre Tour

26 September

Trolling AI Doomerism & Longtermism