Painted by Numbers Installation

At the center of Painted by Numbers are artists, scientists, and activists who provide different perspectives on new algorithmic realities: are algorithms truly rational or do we only perceive them as such? Do they lack transparency? Are algorithms already shaping our cognitive processes? Interview excerpts are arranged according to theme in six channels: Rationality, Prediction, Agency, Regulation, Politics, and Culture, and visible on six different screens. The interviewees' statements are not shown in a linear way, but create an open structure. This way, each viewer can choose an individual path in a cloud of overlaying audio and in a space of intersecting visual inputs.

The content is available as a spatial media installation, complemented by an online platform and offline events, which both function as discursive spaces. The outcome blends sociocultural debate and artistic media practice, exhibition and discourse spaces.

Concept and realization by Konrad Becker and Felix Stalder, World-Information Institute
Supported by Privacy Salon

A PRIVACYTOPIA event organised in the context of CPDP2018.

Photos by Sam Wodinski.